政院学子|我院21级政治学理论专业博士研究生Nadia Urban发表SSCI论文

近日,我院留学生Nadia Urban的论文Social Class and Sexual Liberalism in Contemporary China: An Analysisof Attitudes towards Sexuality被SSCI期刊Sexuality Research and Social Policy收录。

Nadia Urban,我院2021级政治学理论专业博士研究生,导师是马奥尼教授。

Social Class and Sexual Liberalism in Contemporary China: An Analysisof Attitudes towards Sexuality


Introduction By constructing the sexual liberalism index (SLI), this study tests the hypothesis that social class impacts sexual liberalism in China. 

Methods This study uses the Seventh World Value Survey (2017-2022) as data source. Based on survey questions regarding homosexuality, premarital sex, and casual sex, the author constructed a sexual liberalism index (SLI) and checked its correlation with social class by conducting a multivariate ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis. Control variables include gender, marital status, place of residence (urban or rural), and age group. 

Results The results show that social class is a significant predictor of sexual liberalism, with higher social class corresponding to higher levels of sexual liberalism. Other predictors such as marital status, place of residence, and age group also have significant but smaller impacts on sexual liberalism. 

Conclusions The overall level of sexual liberalism among the general population is limited. China's SLI value is low in both global and regional context. The study suggests that the "sexual revolution" in China is still ongoing. A variety of phenomena can be linked to conservative attitudes. 

Policy Implications Policymakers could consider targeted support programs and educational campaigns for various groups based on their socioeconomic status. By prioritizing comprehensive sex education, promoting safe sex practices, and challenging societal norms, policymakers can contribute to fostering a more informed, inclusive, and supportive environment for diverse sexual attitudes and behaviors in contemporary Chinese society. 


Keywords Social class • Sexuality • Sexual liberalism • Sexuality in China • Homosexuality in China • Premarital sex in China • Casual sex in China • Sex education


