
Josef Gregory Mahoney 华东师范大学政治学系政治哲学与思想史专业教授 政治学国际研究生项目(IGPP)项目负责人


Josef Gregory Mahoney 华东师范大学政治学系政治哲学与思想史专业教授 政治学国际研究生项目(IGPP)项目负责人



Josef Gregory Mahoney





     Josef Gregory Mahoney is Professor of Politics; Executive Director of the International Center for Advanced Political Studies; Founder and Director of the International Graduate Program in Politics; Associate Editor, US-based Journal of Chinese Political Science (SSCI) and Co-Editor, ECNU Review. His publications have appeared in Chinese and Western journals and news publications and he’s provided numerous live, on-air contributions to ICS, ShenzhenTV, CCTV, CGTN and BBC television news programs, as well as served as a regular contributor to political discussions on China Radio International. He was a member of the Chinese team that translated Jiang Zemin’s Selected Works into English and subsequently a Senior Researcher with the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau (中共中央编译局).


教育背景 Educational Background

哲学博士                      乔治华盛顿大学      2003

哲学硕士                      乔治华盛顿大学      2002

公共卫生管理硕士、公共管理硕士       伯明翰阿拉巴马大学   1994、1995

学士                         乔治华盛顿大学


工作经历 Work Experience

教授、博士生导师  华东师范大学政治学系 

教师          大河谷州立大学 

教师          马里兰大学帕克分校 

教师          美国乔治华盛顿大学 

团队管理者      美国卫生保健研究和质量管理机构  

公共卫生职员     美国乔治亚州亚特兰大疾病控制中心 


研究领域 Research Interests

History of Chinese politics and political development in a contemporary, global context; comparative history of Chinese and Western political philosophy; ethics; dialectics; social and ecological justice, critical theory; Marxism; feminism; universal design for learning (UDL); and integrative and interdisciplinary research models and pedagogies.




《Research Method 1》; 《Marxism》; 《History of Western Political Philosophy》



《History of Modern China》;《Western Ethics》;《Utopias》等



2019“我最喜爱的外教”“Honorable Mention.”Ranked 15th Nationally in China by Ministry of Science and Technology,Foreign Talent Research Center(科学技术部国外人才研究中心). (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/J4c6syVU2K7El0MbT5oR_A)

第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学),论文类,“中国化的马克思主义” 的外部质疑及国际话语建设. The Eighth Annual Award for Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research in Institutions of Higher Education (Humanities and Social Sciences Category. Shortlisted Summer 2019.

上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖 (2016-2017),论文类二等奖,“中国化的马克思主义” 的外部质疑及国际话语建设. First foreigner to win this award. Fall 2018.


学术成果 Selected Publications

Selected Publications

“桑德尔的正义叙事与中国主体性的双重属性悖论,” 马克思主义与现实/Marxism and Reality.第4期.2018. pp., 196-204. CSSCI.

“浅析中国化马克思主义作为一种政治话语得到国际认可的阻碍因素,” Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories, December 2017, pp. 59-63. CSSCI.

“What’s Wrong with Star Wars, Star Trek and Žižek? A Marxist Analysis.” 文艺理论研究/TSLA, 37:6 (November 2017), pp. 161-176. CSSCI.

“Can the Oriental Know Justice? Can the Subaltern Tell Stories?” Neohelicon, DOI 10.1007/s11059-017-0407-8 (August 1, 2017). AHCI.

“American Values and Donald Trump: A Marxist Analysis.” 国外理论动态/Foreign Theoretical Trends, 07/2017, pp. 73-85. CSSCI.

“What Should We Learn from China?” Dreams and Reality: A New Era of China’s Reforms, Jisi Wang and Michael Hudson, Eds. (Singapore: World Scientific, 2016), pp. 199-225.

“Marxismus in China nach Mao,” Marx und der Globale Süden, Felix Wemheuer, Ed. (Köln: Papy Rossa, 2016), pp. 240-276.

“A Marxist Critique of Shusterman’s ‘Somaesthetics,’” 文艺理论研究/TSLA, December 2015 (6.2015), pp. 129-141. CSSCI.

“东方主义、新帝国主义和美国的媒体政治,” 国外理论动态/Foreign Theoretical Trends, October 2015. CSSCI.

“批判理论发展的几种趋势及其内在相关性,”, 国外社会科学前沿, 2015, pp. 3-15.

“Review: Daoism and Anarchism,” Journal of Chinese Political Science, 20:2 (2015), pp. 217-8. SSCI

中国梦:中国发展道路的政治诠释,当代世界与社会主义(Contemporary World and Socialism), No. 1, 2015, pp. 183-7. CSSCI

作为文本/反文本的《资本主义与自由》:弗里德曼新自由主义准则的解构和去中心化。《文艺理论研究》2, 2014, 34:6, pp. 38-59. CSSCI.

论美国的马克思主义教学:作为一种实践问题。Journal of East China Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences). No. 6, 2014, pp. 27-37. CSSCI.

“Review: China and Orientalism: Western Knowledge Production and the PRC,”Journal of Chinese Political Science, 19:345–346, August 2014. SSCI

“当前批判理论的四种主要趋势/ Major Trends in Critical Theory,” 国外理论动态/Foreign Theoretical Trends (1.2014), pp. 25-35. CSSCI.

“承认与关怀—市场化背景下的社会主义价值体系.” 马克思主义与现实/Marxism and Reality.第1期.2014, pp. 72-78. CSSCI.

“Interpreting the Chinese Dream: An Exercise of Political Hermeneutics,” Journal of Chinese Political Science for a Special Issue on the Chinese Dream, 18:4 (December 2013). SSCI

“China and the WTO after New Imperialism,” Asian Journal of Social Sciences, 41 (2013), pp. 381-405. SSCI.

“Review: Communist Hermeneutics: From Heidegger to Marx,” Science and Society, 77:44 (October 2013), pp. 600-603. AHCI.

“既不行动亦无思考—评《解释共产主义:从海德格尔到马克思》,” 当代世界与社会主义(Contemporary World and Socialism). 4, 2013, pp., 206-208. CSSCI.

“Review: China’s Thought Management,” The China Journal, No. 70. 2013, pp. 208-2010. SSCI.

“From 和 to There: Marxist Hermeneutics with Chinese Characteristics,” 文艺理论研究(Theoretical Studies in Art and Literature), 2013.2 (187), pp. 145-164. CSSCI.

“我们应该向中国学习什么?” Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories, 8 (August 2012), 97-104. CSSCI.

“Questions facing Chinese Marxist Theory and its Translation: Do 思想, 实践, and 务实Equal ‘Ideology,’ ‘Practice,’ and ‘Pragmatic?’”中国翻译, (Chinese Translators), 2011.3, Beijing, (May 15, 2011), 72-76. CSSCI.

“On Žižek’s Revolution,” 马克思主义与现实(Marxism and Reality), Beijing, 113 (2011), 131-141. CSSCI.

“Review: ‘Harmonious World’ and China’s New Foreign Policy,” Journal of Chinese Political Science, 15:3 (June 2010), pp. 343-344. SSCI

“通往和谐之路:马克思主义、儒家与和谐概念,”国外理论动态/Foreign Theoretical Trends, 406 (December 2009), pp. 50-54. CSSCI.

“On the Way to Harmony: Marxism, Confucianism, and Hu Jintao’s Hexie Concept.”  China in Search of a Harmonious Society.  Sujian Guo, Ed.  (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2008), 99-128. 

“Ideology, Telos, and the “Communist Vanguard” from Mao Zedong to Hu Jintao,” Journal of Chinese Political Science, 14:2 (March 2009), 135-166. SSCI

“Review: Catastrophe and Contention in Rural China: Mao’s Great Leap Forward Famine and the Origins of Righteous Resistance in Da Fo Village byRalph A. Thaxton, Jr.”  Journal of Chinese Political Science, 14:3, September 2009. SSCI

Mao Zedong: A Political and Intellectual Portrait, by Maurice Meisner. Journal of  Chinese Political Science, 13:3, December 2008, 311-12. SSCI

“A Marxist Perspective on Chinese Reforms: An Interview with Jiexiong Yi.”  With Xiuling Li, co-author.  Science and Society, Special Issue on China, 73:2 (April 2009), 177-192. SSCI.

“Review: Basic Economics: A Citizen’s Guide to the Economy, by Thomas Sowell; Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One, by Thomas Sowell.” Review of Radical Political Economics, published on February 11, 2008 (online ahead of print)









